--- Comment #11 from ---
Hi Stefan,

again many THANKS for your help.
With your update the loaded project shows now a correct xy graph.

But now the offset exists for fresh imported data, or when a time value will be

I added some screenshots:

"Version Jul 10 2022, 22:26:15"
Shows the version I tested

"Fresh imported data has offset in xy graph"
Shows a generated graph from fresh imported data into the table. The generated
graph has an offset of -2 hours.

"After saving as project, closing and reopening the offset in xy graph is gone"
After saving the table with fresh imported data and the xy graph with -2 hour
offset as project, closing LabPlot2, reopening it and loading the saved
project, everything is correct.

" Changing the value of a time data point by hand generates an offset again"
But changing the first time value from "19.06.2022 00:00" to "19.06.2022 00:01"
generates for that data point an -2 hour offset again.

Many Thanks

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