--- Comment #4 from Chris Holland <> ---
> You only care about dynamic word wrap but someone else might want static word 
> wrap instead. 

I was more concerned on how to turn word wrap off. I guess the user is suppose
to already know where it is in the menubar before they know about KCommandBar
Ctrl+Alt+I so they know what to select. I assumed it was radiobutton, but it
turns out it's 2 checkboxes. The heck is Static Wrap... oh it's the ruler.

Both Sublime and VSCode seem to call "Static Wrap" rulers.

Perhaps this:
View: Toggle Word Wrap
View: Toggle Wrap At Ruler
View: Toggle Ruler or Show/Hide Ruler

The main issues stem from KCommandBar not supporting a checked property /
checkbox. Since it doesn't seem to have separate text for the MenuBar Action
and KCommandBar. "Toggle Word Wrap" might look weird in the MenuBar.

Is it possible to automate adding a "Toggle " prefix or suffix to the action
name in KCommandBar if it has action.checkable=true?

> Convert an existing document with tabs to spaces? That would be just search 
> and replace. 

Yes that. A naive "    " => "\t" replace would replace indents in comments, and
possible in code strings "Blah    Blah". Since you're editing every since line,
it might not show up easily on a diff. To properly replace indentation you'd
need to use "^(\t|\s{4})*(\s{4})" => "\1\t" or something complicated like that.
In any case, it's one of those commands that's a nice to have that both ST and
VSCodium have by default.

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