--- Comment #8 from ---
I had saved my monitor configuration with autorandr, so I used that to
force-load the appropriate config, and then I restored
plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc and plasmashellrc:

systemctl --user stop plasma-plasmashell
cp -avf $HOME/backup/org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc $HOME/.config/
cp -avf $HOME/backup/plasmashellrc $HOME/.config/
sleep 5
systemctl --user start plasma-plasmashell

But now my panels are _on the wrong monitors_! When I saved
org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc and plasmashellrc, I had:

1. The laptop monitor with the original Kubuntu panel
2. The USB-C monitor with a new Kubuntu default panel (Application Launcher,
Taskbar, System Tray),
3. The HDMI monitor with a panel containing just a Taskbar widget.

After running the commands above, I got

1. The laptop monitor with panel containing just a Taskbar widget.
2. The USB-C monitor with a new Kubuntu default panel (Application Launcher,
Taskbar, System Tray),
3. The HDMI monitor with a new Kubuntu default panel (Application Launcher,
Taskbar, System Tray),

Clearly unplugging and plugging the external monitors is a painful process, and
even after "restoring" my configuration, the panels end up in the wrong screen.

> 1. Can you describe how the output of `xrandr` changes, if at all, when you 
> reproduce the bug?

xrand output attached as 20230630-xrandr.txt

> 2. Can you describe how the output of `kscreen-doctor -o` changes, if at all, 
> when you reproduce the bug?

> 3. Does the bug happen on Wayland too? Or is it 11-only?

I'm not sure, can you please tell me how do I figure this out? I'm using
Kubuntu 23.04's default server.

> 4. Did you upgrade from an earlier Plasma version? If you did, can you move 
> aside (not delete) your ~/.local/share/kscreen folder, re-create 
 the display arrangement in System Settings > Display and Monitor, reboot, and
see if it's better now?

It's a fresh Kubuntu 23.04 install.

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