--- Comment #4 from ---
I noticed that spice-vdagent (the one that runs as your user dies whenever you
try to run it, with 
spice-vdagent[428319]: vdagent started
spice-vdagent[428319]: 0xaaaad276cbd0 connected to
spice-vdagent[428319]: vdagent_display_create: net_wm_name="KWin", has icons=0
spice-vdagent[428319]: display: failed to call GetCurrentState from mutter over
spice-vdagent[428319]:    error message: Cannot invoke method; proxy is for the
well-known name org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig without an owner, and proxy was
constructed with the G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START flag
spice-vdagent[428319]: No guest output map, using output index as display id
spice-vdagent[428319]: Sending guest screen resolutions to vdagentd:
spice-vdagent[428319]:    display_id=0 - 1280x800+0+0
spice-vdagent[428319]: 0xaaaad276cbd0 sent guest xorg resolution, arg1: 1280,
arg2: 800, size 20
spice-vdagent[428319]: 0xaaaad276cbd0 disconnected

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