--- Comment #3 from Paul Stansell <> ---
Hello Daniel,

Thanks so much for replying. 

>  1) Could you please specify in which view (agenda/month view/etc.) does this 

The reported problem was for agenda day view, but I just tried with week and
month view and when trying to paste an event I got the same error message as I
reported before  

>  2) Do you have multiple calendars, or just a single one?

I have two calendars (in addition to the Birthdays one).  One is the default
one and active, the other is "hidden" (or not displayed, so its entries are not

3) Do you have some calendar marked as default?

Yes, the one I tried to paste to.

4) What kind of calendar is it (ical, DAV, Google, etc.?)

ical (with file name .ics)

>  If you have more than one calendar, you should get a dialog that
> lets you select the calendar to paste into. If you have only one calendar,
> the event should automatically get pasted into it.

I'm familiar with that dialog, but I'm not seeing it when I paste as I'm only
viewing the default calendar.

>  Could you please run KOrganizer from terminal with the following command:
>    QT_LOGGING_RULES="*=true;qt.*=false" korganizer
>  then try to reproduce the bug and provide here the log that's printed to the 

I exited and restarted korganizer again from the console.

I tried to add a new event, but it wouldn't let me.  (This is different from
the problem I had before where I *could* add new events, but I couldn't copy
and paste events.)  When I try to add a new event the pop-up dialogue window
appears, I can write "test event" in the summary field, but when I click either
Ok or Apply, nothing happens except all the options Ok, Apply and Cancel become
grey-out.  To kill the pop-up I have to click the X on the top right of the
window.  It then asks me (in another pop-up window) if I want to Cancel Editing
or not.  I can cancel and both pop-up windows disappear and my event is not
added to the calendar.

Here is the output from the console:

org.kde.pim.akonadicore: connectToServer
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
org.kde.pim.incidenceeditor: checkDirtyStatus called on an invalid incidence
org.kde.pim.calendarsupport: creating
org.kde.pim.incidenceeditor: Loading item  -1 ; parent  -17437 ; storage  -1
org.kde.pim.akonadicore: Akonadi::Monitor(0x5586c33e60, name =
"TagWidgetMonitor") Connected to notification bus
org.kde.pim.akonadicore: Akonadi::Monitor(0x5586c33e60, name =
"TagWidgetMonitor") Subscribing as " "TagWidgetMonitor - 367333162592" "
org.kde.pim.incidenceeditor: free slot calculation: invalid range. range(  0 )
/ mSlotResolutionSeconds( 900 ) =  0
org.kde.pim.calendarsupport: deleting

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