uh, one more reply :)

On Saturday 21 October 2006 12:08, you wrote:
> Why did you remove all the dbus stuff and changed all the other things?
> It compiled fine with mingw before.

hmmm... with cmake 2.4.3 + Qt 4.2.1 it does definitivly _not_ compile on 
mingw. Checked on 2 independend installations and another install I try right 
now breaks too at the same areas...

Propably the steps I am doing here are wrong. Within next minutes I'll try to 
get a Qt 4.2.1+cmake 2.4.3 tutorial up at kdelibs.com to outline the steps I 
followed. The existing Qt 4.1.x tutorial seems to be somewhat outdated.

Sebastian Sauer aka dipesh[sebsauer]
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