Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 June 2008, you wrote:
>> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 03 June 2008, Brad King wrote:
>>>> Finding lib/automoc4/Automoc4Config.cmake is the exact purpose of
>>>> find_package().  The CMake 2.6 version is *much* more powerful than 2.4
>>>> and completely solves the problem.  Please make sure that
>>>> Automoc4Config.cmake is installed in a way that will work with
>>>> find_package so that when CMake 2.6 is required it doesn't have to move.
>>> Yes, that works.
>>> But it also has to work with cmake 2.4, that's why I'm using that
>>> FIND_FILE() call.
>> What I'm saying is that you should write it and get it working with
>> find_package first 
> Using just plain FIND_PACKAGE(Automoc4)  (i.e. without extra 
> FindAutomoc4.cmake) works, I checked that before. Do you mean that or 
> something different ?

That's all I meant.  I just wanted to make sure.

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