On Thursday 07 January 2010 1:33:40 pm Rex Dieter wrote:
> There are an increasing number of cmake checks in core kde modules (as well
> as others), for items needed only at runtime (not buildtime).
> That is all well and good, but these often are not optional checks, which as
> a packager, I very much object to.
> Is there any sort of best-practice or policy for this kind of thing (yet)?
> If not, I'd propose runtime-only cmake checks:
> 1.  not be fatal for the build
> 2.  output/warning be made clearer that this is a runtime-only 
> dependency (or the check be removed altogether).
> 2 cases of this come to mind,
> kdebase-workspace for kdebindings/python (circular deps are bad, mm-kay)
> amarok for qtscriptgenerator
I agree with Rex's proposal.
Maybe we should have a new macro for printing the missing runtime stuff?
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