On 16.02.11 19:07:13, John Layt wrote:
> Hi,
> I've hit an issue with polkit-qt and the KDE4_AUTH_POLICY_FILES_INSTALL_DIR 
> variable where the variable seems to always be set to the polkit-qt path and 
> your $KDEDIR path is ignored.
> The problem comes if you do not build kdesupport/polkit-qt yourself and 
> instead try to rely on the system polkit-qt packages.  This causes 
> kde4_install_auth_actions() to try install the actions to the system path 
> instead of your $KDEDIR path.  If you build polkit-qt yourself then your 
> polkit-qt install path is $KDEDIR so there are no problems.
> Additionally, if you try to override the path then kdelibs ignores both the 
> env var value and the cmake -D value, and the other modules ignore the env 
> var 
> but pay attention to the cmake -D, giving a somewhat unsatisfactory temporary 
> hack around the problem.
> Is this the intended behaviour, or is it a bug? 

I'd call it a bug, in particular because there is already a warning if
you install polkit-stuff into a place other than /usr. And we actually
have a policy of not installing anything outside of the
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for a given module. AFAIK even the py(qt/kde) code
adhere's to that these days (giving you a big fat warning that you may
need manual actions to make it work properly).


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