Am Mittwoch 21 August 2013, 09.14:58 schrieb Michael Zanetti:

Morning Michael

Thanks for your and Albert's explanations.

> On Tuesday 20 August 2013 22:11:04 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> > On Friday 16 August 2013 10:49:26 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> > > I think Aaron already made clear that he would be happy to work on
> > > sharing as much as possible with the Plasma efforts he's involved in
> > > and kick folk around him to do the same. I just make the wild bet that
> > > the Frameworks folk are perfectly open to the same - standards benefit
> > > us all, so does sharing libraries. They are turning KDE Libraries into
> > > components which are
> > > separately useful, that sounds like a terribly useful think for Ubuntu
> > > Phone.
> > 
> > So I get plenty of replies in no time all over that I'm wrong, but when I
> > offer help and ask how we can actually do something constructive, there's
> > only silence? If the Canonical folks on this list don't feel like this
> > mail was directed at them - you're hereby corrected. If you don't feel
> > like there is anything you can do, please say so, we can then discuss
> > trying to talk to somebody at Canonical directly.
> I think for collaboration it takes more than just KDE and Canonical having
> some similar stuff to do:
> - Not all areas can be shared. I for one work on Unity8, which just works
> and looks so different in every way than plasma does. We don't need
> Plasmoid containers, you don't need search scopes. Given that Ubuntu Touch
> is QML only, there's not much point in pulling the QWidget related stuff
> from KF5 over to Ubuntu. Other things, like the Solid base for example
> might indeed could be shared/reused.
> - Once there is something which might make sense to be shared, it requires
> the exact people working on it having interest in collaborating. Which
> means, the responsive KDE person needs to accept that a certain API needs
> to change for requirements NOT needed by KDE and the responsive person in
> Canonical needs to have interest in pulling in something that most likely
> can do way more than Ubuntu needs at this stage, with the additional
> efforts of maintaining more code and doing code reviews for stuff not even
> needed. It is not possible for me or Albert to go to some API guys and
> tell them: You have to share code with KDE. This needs to happen from
> inside the team. The person doing the work must drive it.
> Now, coming from the Gnome/Gtk area, Canonical's people mostly are aware
> what code could be shared with Gnome, but not many of them have a clue
> what KDE frameworks actually is. Same the other way round. I'm quite sure
> very few here know how the Ubuntu's architecture is built up.

So here my two questions:
- What could we do that this "Gnome/GTK Canonical people" would be better 
informed about KDE Frameworks?
- Where could we read/get more information about how the Ubuntu architecture 
is built up? Could you tell use or give us some links?

> Then again, we actually do share and reuse some code. Take all the lightdm
> stuff for example, the dbusmenu stuff and many more libs which in history
> have flown into both directions already.
> Br,
> Michael


> > /J
> > 
> > > Cheers,
> > > Jos
> > > 
> > > 
> > > * that would be to let everybody in the KDE ecosystem meet and
> > > collaborate - and anybody who could use KDE tech or would want to
> > > somehow work with KDE folk can and should be as vocal as possible
> > > about that at Akademy! Community is about building mutually beneficial
> > > relationships. If it is all about giving or taking, it doesn't work
> > > for one of the parties and makes no sense. We're all adult enough to
> > > understand companies have their needs and goals and we can deal with
> > > that. We do with Jolla and Blackberry and Digia and KDAB and ICS, why
> > > not Canonical?
> > > 
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Jos
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