On Monday 11 November 2013 10:54:52 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> iow, it has solved nothing.

No, I believe you're actually overlooking a broader point
here. Codifying the access model is a lot less about actual
ACL, and more about the implications it has for *people*,
both existing contributors, but also *new* contributors.

By disallowing direct write access for folks without a KDE
contributor account, we're making them get KDE contributor
accounts to gain write access. This ends up happening as a
natural result of the tedium involved with proxying changes,
and once they've got their accounts, there are few-to-no
barriers between them and diversifying into other KDE pro-
jects. Meanwhile, because everyone's been through the same
process to get that account, this can work in terms of trust.

I think you're locked into the idea "Eike and his ilk are
just scared of the barbarians at the gates, this is classic
tribalism!", but my actual evil plan is to turn the, eh,
barbarians at the gates into folks who accept responsibi-
lity in KDE. Because I've *seen it work*.

It's not that removing this restriction is bad just for
existing contributors, I think it's bad for new contri-
butors that start contributing to KDE without an incen-
tive or vector to get a KDE contributor account.

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