On Sunday, January 19, 2014 23:42:58 Martin Sandsmark wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 11:55:13AM +0100, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > this is not really related at all, and i hesitate to engage in the topic
> > here due to loss of topical focus.
> It was merely to illustrate a point, that switching to QML is not a simple
> process,

I don’t believe anyone intimated it was; the work done to get Plasma there has 
been more than a master class in that.

> and it seemingly takes us over a year (at the very least, since we
> still aren't close) to reach feature parity with the old solution.

Yes, it takes time and effort. The QWidget UI has a ~20 year legacy behind it, 
while the QML legacy is quite recent, so this is to be expected.

> Therefore I think it's useless to move existing, nicely working applications
> (like kcalc) to it for seemingly no good reason at all.

I agree that if there is no good reason, then there is no point. Good reasons 
were offered in the original mail, however, namely duplication of effort and 
inconsistency due to multiple implementations of what is from a use case 
perspective the same thing.

> > have you worked with the Qt5 QML2 desktop components?
> Yes, I've been playing with the desktop components in Qt 5.2. Hopefully they
> will get a lot better before we release anything using them, though,
> because things like the file/folder selector is basically unusable in the
> current state, at least on the systems I've tested it on.

For things like kcalc, the things the desktop components are not good at are 
irrelevant; the things it *is* good at could radically improve its UI.

Aaron J. Seigo
kde-community mailing list

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