El Dimarts, 22 d'abril de 2014, a les 11:33:51, Mario Fux va escriure:
> Proposal: Offer the possibility for the suites/groups of apps to release
> independently and make two, three or more release days ("Sigma" as the greek
> symbol for the sum) per year where and when we make big promo for KDE
> software.
> Details:
> Promo wise it could make sense to still have some release days where and
> when we release and announce some of our apps and software together and in
> a big way. Suites, groups and single KDE projects could decide on their own
> to participate on such an event. (See for a formalization of the release
> and announcement process in a next proposal).
> So Sigma (or what other name) would be a cumulative release and announcement
> day and with discussions like this one [1] it should once and for all be
> clear that there is no and will never be a "KDE5" and that "Sigma != KDE"
> (and no, I don't really believe that all the discussions will end, but
> that's ok ;-).
> Here are some fictive examples for such Sigma days/weeks:
> - Sigma in July 2014 includes KDE Core Apps 5.0, KF5 5.0, Plasma 2014.6,
> Calligra 2.9 and Amarok 3.0
> - Sigma in January 2015 includes KDE Core Apps for Desktop 5.1, KDE Core
> Apps for Tablet 5.0, Plasma 2014.12, Digikam 4.4 and KDE Edu 5.2
> - Sigma in July 2015 includes KDE Core Apps for Desktop 5.2, KF5 5.2, Plasma
> Active 5, Bodega 1.0 and KDE PIM 5.1
> And in between we've independent releases of Plasma, KDE PIM, Amarok, etc.
> with or without some promo.
> Next steps:
> - Rhythm of Sigma: How often do we do such a Sigma day/week? Every 6 or 4
> months?
> - Should it be a week or a day?
> - How should we call it?

I do think that this is more something for the promo/marketing people to vouch 
in since as far as I understand a Sigma is basically "nothing" from the 
development/engineering point of view, it'd be just announcing with more 
fanfare something that we had already published less loudly in the past.

Now what I don't like from this example is that it says "KDE Edu 5.2" as if 
Sigma in January 2015 could contin let's say "KDE PIM 5.1" and "KDE Edu 5.2".

I honestly don't think we have the manpower needed to do such a huge amount of 
different releases as that, and i don't think it'd be beneficial from the 
engineering point of view either since it'd be a pain to know when some 
project is on freeze or not if we let each and every app that is now part of 
"KDE Applications" go on its own release schedule.


> Now please tell me your opinion in a short, constructive and polite way.
> Details can be discussed in Randa and/or at Akademy. So let's concentrate on
> the bigger ideas.
> Thanks and best regards
> Mario
> [1] https://plus.google.com/+JosPoortvliet/posts/EZvEsvGYTZf
> And please don't discuss "KDE" branding here. The above link provides some
> very good explanations why "KDE" is since years the people and not the
> software.
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