On Wednesday 27 August 2014 09:00:04 Jens Reuterberg wrote:
> Thats terrible news.
> As a community would it be appropriate to write up a short retrospective of
> Mojtaba? Perhaps combined with a photo, some information about him, his work
> and his life and post it on one of the larger KDE blogs?
> I don't know how Iranian burial customs work and we should check in with his
> family and friends (Mehrdad perhaps if you could help out) but with their
> allowance it seems as a nice gesture to do towards someone who has been a
> part of our community as well as worked on things that benefit us all
> (beyond our own community).
> What do everyone else think?

When community member Claire Lotion passed away in 2012, there was a Dot story 
( https://dot.kde.org/2012/05/20/remembering-claire-lotion ) and the KDE SC 
4.9 release was dedicated to her memory ( 
http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.9/ ). Chakra followed suit and named their 
KDE SC 4.9 release series "Chakra Claire".

Maybe dedicating a Calligra release to  Mojtaba would make more sense than a 
KDE SC release because Calligra was his focus, but a dot story would surely be 
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