El Dissabte, 10 de gener de 2015, a les 23:37:30, Rick Timmis va escriure:
> Hi
> Text idea below
> On Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:13:20 +0100, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org>
> wrote:
> > El Dissabte, 10 de gener de 2015, a les 22:56:06, Boudewijn Rempt va
> > 
> > escriure:
> >> On Sat, 10 Jan 2015, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> >> > Some of them like kword and koffice are already in unmaintained and
> >> > closed
> >> > for bugs, not much more we can do with them other than deleting them
> >> > which i'm not sure it's a good idea.
> >> 
> >> Close the bugs as "unmaintained"? There's no reason to keep bugs open
> for
> >> dead projects.
> > 
> > In an ideal world you'd have biliions of bug triagers that would go
> > through
> > all the open bugs and move the ones that still exist to calligra for
> > example
> > (meaning i think there's still some sense to keep them there)
> > 
> >> > Others like kftpgrabber may be either suggested for new people to
> adopt
> >> > them and if not moved to unmaintained.
> >> 
> >> I don't believe in that -- asking for maintainers never works. It's
> >> vanishingly rare that an unmaintained project gets a new lease of life,
> >> and it never happens if there's no maintainer around anymore to answer
> >> questions.
> > 
> > I don't believe in things you belieave and vice-versa ;)
> > 
> >> > I guess we should also be really careful, as you said some software
> is
> >> > "done" and the fact that it didn't get any development doesn't mean
> it
> >> > should be killed.
> >> 
> >> Of course. But kmail (not kmail2) is _dead_. It's bugs should be
> closed.
> >> It's silly to see it cluttering up bugzilla's weekly top-twenty stats.
> > 
> > Same as before, ideally we'd have someone going over the bugs and
> deciding
> > what still happens and what still not and move over to kmail2.
> > 
> > Now one way of doing this is crowdsourcing it to the reporters via a
> nice
> > bug
> > closing email for every of the unmaintained bugs/apps.
> > 
> > In one hand it always pisses me a bit off when that happens (i.e. i
> > reported a
> > bug and the only acknowledgement i get is years later saying that it was
> > 
> > against an unmaintained version that i should re-check), in the other if
> > 
> > someone is able to write a nice text it may not be so bad.
> I like this idea... possible text

It's nice. We would need another version for those bugs that belong to 
products that have other products the bug may apply to, say kmail -> kmail2, 
kword -> calligrawords, etc.


> Hi, Thank you for you contribution towards improving the KDE software
> suite.
> Bug reports from active users, merit the highest level of software testing
> because
> your use cases are real world, and not prescriptive.
> The lifecycle of individual applications varies as projects develop and
> stabilise, are superceeded or
> simply become unmaintained. Active bug reporting, checking and triaging is
> vital to an application project
> In the case of your bug report { insert bug number, perhaps with link }
> this project is no longer maintained
> and there for we can not progress this bug further. We have now closed
> this bug with status unmaintained.
> Thanks again for your contribution and support
> Best Wishes
> The KDE Bug Tracking team
> Just an initial idea, I hope it's helpful
> Cheers
> Rick
> > Anyway before someone does some mass closing of bugs I think we need to
> > take
> > sysadmins adivce on how to do it, not sure we want to create a huge
> e.mail
> > storm.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> >   Albert
> >> 
> >> boudewijn
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