
On Wednesday 18 May 2016 23:43:12 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> I have created a survey draft at
> http://survey.kde.org/index.php/858172/lang-en
> Now please everybody click through it and give feedback on anything that you
> think should be changed.
> Once it feels like we agree on the survey, I'll publish it on the Dot and on
> the kde-community and kde-devel mailing lists, hoping to reach most KDE
> contributors and interested users.

here are a few comments:

Section "Support for services"
- there's a typo "servies"
- the first point says "Focus more in [free services]", the third point says 
"Focus on [dominating services]". I would put the "more" also in the third 
point. Or maybe for both use "prioritize support for [Free/dominating] 
services" ?

Section "I consider myself"

I consider myself as "formerly very active, now only sporadically active, and 
still cares a lot". Which should I check ?

Section "To promote the development of Free software in general"

There's the option "...provide ... libraries which  facilitate the development 
of ... Qt applications".
Personally I agree with this point, but not necessarily  as "promote ... Free 
software", but as a useful tool for developers, also for proprietary 
applications (... to pull also those developers into KDE).
Can we make that somehow into a question ?
"Should KDE libraries target mainly 
* free software developers
* both free and proprietary software developers" ?


* I'd like to have a point like "reliable, backwards compatible and stable" 
somewhere. Maybe in "How important are the following aspects" ?

* Should there be a question about the group of users ? Or do we just assume 
all users are equally important ? Like
- home users
- business/office users
- schools/universities/(kindergarten ?)
- developers
- FLOSS geeks

* Would it make sense to have two additional levels, like "absolutely must" 
and "not at all, never" ? (I would consider many points very important, but a 
few exceptionally, absolutely must).

* I'm not too happy with the "How should KDE treat Free vs. Proprietary OS" 
E.g. for Windows and OSX vs. Linux and FreeBSD I would say "equally", which 
translates to "make Windows and OSX first class targets" (while they are 
second class right now).
OTOH, does Android count as Free or proprietary ?
And, when asking focus on Android or Plasma Mobile, I would actually say 
getting KDE applications onto Android is more important, since that we 
millions of users can quickly benefit from all the advantages (freedom, 
control, etc.) KDE provides.
Could the survey ask something like
"How should KDE treat the following OS
- Linux
- FreeBSD
- Other BSDs, Hurd, etc.
- Windows
- Mobile Linux (Mer, Plasma Mobile ?)
- Android
- did I forget something ?
with the two options "important" and "not so important"

* Related to the target OS, should there be a question something like
"What do you consider more important for a KDE application running outside the 
Plasma desktop, e.g. on Windows, OSX, Android:
- that it integrates well with other KDE applications on that platform and 
works as similar as possible to running under Plasma
- that it integrates as good as possible with the desktop environment it is 
running in/it tries to fullfill the expections of users on that platform ?"

* should there be a question asking what kind of application spectrum KDE 
should try to cover ?
Something like
- anything that is free and useful
- applications with a state of the art user interface (typically a GUI)
- applications that cover as much as possible of the everyday needs of a home 
user" ?


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