Dear fellow KDE contributors,
as already hinted at in the article about KDE's Vision [1], the next step in setting our path into the future is defining KDE's Mission statement. Right after our Vision was published, a group of people started drafting a Mission statement and discussing it on the kde-community mailing list.

While we agreed on most aspects of the Mission, it became obvious that on some key issues, we just had quite different individual opinions. Even if an individual opinion prevailed in our discussion, we would not know whether that opinion was shared by the majority of the KDE community. This is a problem, because especially in a volunteer-driven community where a Mission cannot be enforced from the top down, it can only have a practical effect if the majority of those doing the work agree with it. However it became obvious that not that many KDE contributors both had the time and were comfortable with contributing to the discussion on the mailing list.

Therefore, in order to still be able to find out what the majority of the community considers the right approach towards our Vision, we set up an online survey, hoping that this would make it easier for people to voice their opinion in an easy, anonymous way. Since we always focus on our users, we are also interested in the opinion of interested users, so we opened up the survey for everyone.

So, please Participate in our survey:

It should not take more than 5-10 minutes and providing your input on what KDE should do will help us move towards our Vision!

Thank you,
Thomas and the KDE Mission team

kde-community mailing list

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