
For everyone reading this: IF you want your open todos migrated from
todo.kde.org to a phabricator workboard drop me a mail and I'll work
with Ben to get you sorted.


On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 7:21 AM, Ben Cooksley <bcooks...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 1:09 AM, Harald Sitter <sit...@kde.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Martin Graesslin <mgraess...@kde.org> wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, November 2, 2016 10:26:28 PM CET Ben Cooksley wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> As some will be aware we currently have two Kanban board style
>>>> solutions deployed - Kanboard at todo.kde.org and Phabricator at
>>>> phabricator.kde.org.
>>>> In the long term we'd like to consolidate everything on Phabricator.
>>>> It would therefore be appreciated if people could cleanup Kanboard,
>>>> removing tasks and boards which have already moved over, and porting
>>>> over items which haven't already been moved over.
>>>> If you need a Project created to organise your tasks, please file a
>>>> sysadmin ticket.
>>>> Once the majority of projects have been cleaned up and migrated over
>>>> we'll look at scheduling a shutdown date for todo.kde.org.
>>> The last time this was brought up, it was said that sysadmins will do the
>>> migration and that one should not manually copy tasks?
>>> So what should one do now? Manually recreate all tasks on phab? That seems
>>> like a huge manual effort which I don't have time for.
>> not sure if there was a plan. but I have some 20 lines of code
>> somewhere that I used to migrate all of neon, supposedly one could
>> just mass move everything through API?
> The problem is many projects will have already migrated over, some of
> the projects on todo.kde.org are no longer in use or their contents
> are now irrelevant.
> We can't bulk migrate everything for that reason - hence why
> individual projects need to do it on a one by one basis.
> Plus there is the issue that projects, etc already exist in some
> instances on Phabricator.
>> HS
> Cheers,
> Ben

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