On onsdag 26. juli 2017 10.56.26 CEST Adriaan de Groot wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 04:59:47 PM Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > The outcome of that discussion is that we would like to suggest a
> > bottom-up
> > process aiming at finding concrete goals to work towards.
> I think that's a really good idea -- of course, I also signed the mail Kevin
> sent -- but I'd like to add a couple of examples, because there's *plenty*
> of examples of sub(-sub-sub)communities doing exactly this. But those
> smaller groups are (1) possibly not communicating their goals outside their
> group or (2) working on something so focused that it doesn't engage the
> entire, wider community. So in a way these are *bad* examples:
> Community of 1: for Calamares (not a KDE project, but related), I have a
> three month goal to achieve accessibility (through Orca) for my
> application.

I didn't know of this, happy to hear about it and let me know if I you have 
questions :) The Orca people are also helpful on IRC, but you're more likely 
to run into Qt issues.

> Community of 5: for FreeBSD, we have a three month goal to (finally!) get
> Plasma 5 and modern KDE Applications into the official ports tree, while
> upstreaming all of our own patches.
> These aren't hugely ambitious, and the time-frame is a little short, but
> they do have some salient features: there's a clear goal, it's something
> that others in the community can contribute to but do not *have* to, and
> it's possible to do "drive-by" contribution towards the goal.

I really like your goal setting. I do think that for this initiative we want 
to aim even bigger and especially invite new people that want to contribute to 
join (and provide mentorship). On the other hand, now that you mentioned them, 
maybe there's someone willing to join and get some help getting started ;)


> [ade]

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