On 24 August 2017 at 11:10, Adriaan de Groot <gr...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Saturday 19 August 2017 12:02:03 Volker Krause wrote:
>> Good point, I clarified the intended meaning of "opt-in" in the wiki, that
>> is:  off by default and only activated by explicit action of the user
>> (inaction is not good enough).
> Curiously, there's a lot of "telemetry policy" news items popping up this
> week, for instance:
>         Mozilla ponders making telemetry opt-out, 'cos hardly anyone opted in
> (that's on the Register) and there were others. So it looks like communication
> -- what's the data for, why is it collected, and what can happen to it -- is
> key here.
> [ade]

Speaking of that please let me play devil's advocate. In Europe,
especially Poland all web sites/web apps that collect cookies must
obtain permission to do that from the user. Interestingly there are
usually OK buttons only so the message is only an information.
Sometimes there is "Don't agree" button which is equal to close the
site. So telemetry-like behavior even lacks opt-out.

I mention this because it's not obvious for me why one technology of
making computer utilities has to be preferred over other technologies
wrt behaviors around telemetry. (I do call an ordinary web page as
computer utility too in this discussion because boundaries are blurred
since the day first javascript-enabled page arrived).

I can imagine we would make our pages work without cookies and add
opt-in buttons to each main site.

Now KDE context since there's visible call to make privacy our pillar topic:
1. Does www.kde.org for example use cookies?
2. Is there Privacy, Cookies, and Legal page linked from the main site
(the mentioned mozilla.org has them as well as many other sites).
OK: Legal is delegated to the e.V. page (I bet the e.V. link from
kde.org is much less informative than "Legal" link on Mozilla).
Privacy is buried on a (googleable) page

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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