On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 22:52:16 CET Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
> On martedì 27 febbraio 2018 21:09:12 CET, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 20:33:37 CET Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
> >> It's confusing also for new developers/triagers. Yesterday a new triager
> >> asked me why I had not set a reproducible bug as confirmed and when he
> >> should set the confirmed status. It's just an unnecessary step which
> >> makes
> >> the workflow harder than it could be.
> > 
> > Well, why hadn't you? If someone else than the reporter can reproduce, and
> > it's not an invalid bug (like, "cannot paint unless I create or open an
> > image"), then the state should be confirmed... At least in my workflow.
> In that case it was a wishlist ticket. Sometimes I do set bugs as
> confirmed, but most of the times if I can reproduce a bug, I will just
> start working on a fix for it.

Oh, a wishlist item... I wish that category didn't exist. I wish I dared just 
close al wishlist items as LATER, or maybe even NEVEVEREVER. The only two 
reasons I don't do that is because I'm too nice and because gsoc prospective 
students often browse through wishlist items for their first few patches.

Boudewijn Rempt | https://www.valdyas.org | https://www.krita.org

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