As Cornelius has already mentioned, the debate is not about whether we want 
companies around the KDE community, or not. As long as we create high quality 
digital products, companies will always be around us.

Imho, what really matters is to start discussing on what kind of company 
ecosystem we want around our community. Afterwards, or maybe simultaneously, we 
may start talking about what we could do so as to construct such an ecosystem.

When I imagine this ecosystem, I see social purpose companies and not "only for 
profit" ones. These companies are governed by their social mission and not by 
their lust for profit and growth. I would be proud of a KDE "doing business" 
with companies that create products or provide services that fullfil social 
needs. Example: entrepreneurial initiatives to create privacy oriented, plasma 
mobile devices with long term support, made of recyclable components that users 
may substitute when broken.

Moreover, I see generative companies that improve the KDE output, allocating 
resources for upstream work. Although we cannot prevent extractive companies 
that just consume our work for making profit from existing, I do not see them 
as our partners, since they do not improve our community and jeopardize its 

In addition, I would like to cooperate with non hierarchical companies, where 
people do not work overtime to reach deadlines imposed on them by upper 
management. I' d really enjoy working with companies having as purpose to 
create livelihood for their members. And when success leads to the creation of 
surplus, the surplus would not be invested to financial products but it would 
be shared with the community, supporting KDE e.v. and more importantly, 
supporting similar entrepreneurial

So, this ecosystem does not consist of competitive companies. In a sustainable 
ecosystem the output of one is the input of the other. There should not exist 
companies that both create two distinct kirigami based file managers with 
similar features. Instead, companies that coordinate, working on different 
features and adding back to kirigami the components it lacks of, avoiding 
duplication of effort and wasting of resources, as well as reducing the 
environmental footprint.

In the vision of KDE is mentioned: 

"Of course, there is much more to life than the 'digital' part. While we all 
want freedom and control in the other parts too, influencing that is beyond 
KDE's scope, so we limit our vision to 'digital life'."

I believe that the creation of an ethical ecosystem that may allow contributors 
to make a living by working on what they really love is a huge step towards 

On August 24, 2018 5:12:28 PM GMT+03:00, Sune Vuorela <> wrote:
>On 2018-08-24, Cornelius Schumacher <> wrote:
>> This was a quite complex situation, there were many factors involved.
>> again the negative feedback was not about the question if it's ok to
>> developers but about other aspects of how the project was handled.
>And on some of those questions, Frank has later said at public talks
>that "KDE was right". (fosdem last year)

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