---- On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 20:10:01 +0530 Jaroslaw Staniek <stan...@kde.org> 
wrote ---- 
 > This. And Kuntal, from controversial angle, how would Fixture help 
 > re-sellers? They would ignore with you from the day one I bet, then they 
 > will fight. I see this all the time with, say, Blender. The time you Fixture 
 > team releases 1.0 all specialized apps will be available via service only 
 > (compare Fusion 360).

Actually I also pitched this in Adobe's office during a community gathering and 
apparently they cutoff the video recording in the mid way.

 > Practical thing is, I'd like to gently hear from the Krita community if they 
 > accept properly done "Photoshop" mode for Krita, perhaps at the build time 
 > and if possible go there. Krita has dozens of structures and GUI items you 
 > need but you do not want to re-implement them in coming years... This can be 
 > done right but has costs too for Krita so cost-benefit math needs to be done 
 > first.

Someone in reddit was also saying that, the UI is built on plugins so 
practically we can scrap the UI and use Krita as a base to develop it further. 
Would be helpful if someone can shed some light onto it.

Kuntal M

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