Hey all,

To share a bit of my personal experience in hopes of inspiring others, I was a rather new contributor to KDE a couple of years ago when this initiative started and it was mind blowing to me that the community voted for my suggestion among the 3 goals.

The experience has been amazing ever since. I can personally vouch that you will have the full support of the KDE community and the KDE e.V. to make it happen.

There are still a couple of weeks to submit your proposal, yet the earlier you publish it on phabricator, the better your chances are of receiving feedback to improve and finalize your suggestion.

Newcomer or long time contributor, this is a great opportunity to inspire the KDE community and have an impact on its future!

All the best,

On Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 5:59 PM Lydia Pintscher <ly...@kde.org> wrote:

    Hey folks :)

    In 2017 we discussed what goals the KDE community should focus on in
    order to get closer to our vision of a world in which everyone has
    control over their digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy. We
went through a process of submitting and discussing proposals and then
    voting on them. The result were 3 clear goals
    that KDE focused on over the past 1.5 years: top-notch usability and
    productivity for basic software, streamlined onboarding of new
    contributors and privacy. The focus the goals gave us have led to
    significant progress in all 3 areas. Check out Nate’s
(https://pointieststick.com/2019/06/05/kde-usability-and-productivity-are-we-there-yet/) and Neofytos’ (http://neofytosk.com/post/streamlined-onboarding-how-far-has-kde-come/)
    summary! But not only that. We got fantastic new people on board and
our larger community and users understood that we care about and make
    progress in areas that matter to them. Thank you to everyone who has
    and continues to put work into these. Your contributions make KDE
    better every single day.

    The goals we had set were ambitious and in some sense they can never
    be completed. However after 1.5 years the large initiatives behind
    them are well underway and the ideas behind them have become part of
our daily routine. This means it is time to think about the next goals
    (or decide to double down on any of the current goals) to focus our
    collective attention on. So today we are starting the next round of
    KDE community goals.

    The timeline:
    * June: Anyone can submit draft proposals
    * Beginning of July to middle of August: We discuss and improve
    proposals together
    * Second half of August: We vote on the finalized proposals
    * At Akademy in September: We announce the new goals

    Do you have an idea for a goal for KDE? Get a small group of people
    together and propose it today by adding it to this board on
    Phabricator: https://phabricator.kde.org/project/view/306/. Do you
    need some inspiration? Have a look at last round’s proposals:
    https://phabricator.kde.org/project/board/244/. If you have any
    questions? Please ask away here.


    Lydia Pintscher - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher
    KDE e.V. Board of Directors
    http://kde.org - http://open-advice.org

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