El dilluns, 15 de febrer de 2021, a les 20:36:08 CET, Timothée Giet va escriure:
> Hi,
> Last year, in order to create the Analog Electricity activity in
> GCompris, we had to integrate some existing code for the electric
> circuit simulation engine. The code weintegratedis under the AGPLv3
> license...
> First publication of the original code, without any license:
> https://github.com/zupolgec/circuit-simulator/blob/master/js/cktsim.js
> <https://github.com/zupolgec/circuit-simulator/blob/master/js/cktsim.js>
> Then it was republished here with the AGPLv3 license:
> https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/capa/schematic.js
> <https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/js/src/capa/schematic.js>
> (check https://github.com/zupolgec/circuit-simulator/issues/1
> <https://github.com/zupolgec/circuit-simulator/issues/1>for the
> licensing history).
> Integration of the code in GCompris:
> https://invent.kde.org/education/gcompris/-/blob/master/src/activities/analog_electricity/cktsim.js
> <https://invent.kde.org/education/gcompris/-/blob/master/src/activities/analog_electricity/cktsim.js>
> We searched a lot, but this was the only option we found for a JS
> electric simulation engine that would be compatible with QML.
> As the GPLv3 clearly state that combining some AGPLv3 work to it is
> allowed, just the special requirements of the AGPLv3 will apply to the
> resulting package/installer ("the combination as such"), license-wise it
> looks OK.
> This means that now, the binary/package of GCompris has to be released
> under AGPLv3.
> Of course we keep licensing all the rest of our new code under GPLv3+ as
> before, so if at some point we can replace the simulation engine with
> some GPLv3+ code, we can return to releasing our package under this license.
> However, as Albert A. Cid 

Just chiming in to explain how Catalan naming works, my name is

Name: Albert
1st Surname: Astals
2nd Surname: Cid

So I could be abbreviated to Albert, Albert Astals, Albert Astals C., Albert 
A.C., but not Albert A. Cid  

Sorry for the noise :)


P.S: It's fine to make honest mistakes, hope y'all not annoyed by my correction

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