Hi Aleix,

On 3/24/21 11:26 PM, Aleix Pol wrote:
We have tried to sum up our thoughts in the following announcement
with the hope to foster collectively the Free Software leadership we

good work, this is a much more appropriate way to voice the concerns of the KDE community than the kindergarten ad-hominem screaming style of the open letter discussed before.

It also addresses a matter that is objectively a concern, and maybe even relevant to us, which is how the FSF elects its board. That the directors themselves can elect new board members seems kind of undemocratic.

In contrast, engaging with a mud-fight about who said what mean thing about which marginalized group is something that is highly polarizing, happens way too much these days, and often leads to division, anger and fear instead of improving things. I don't intend to defend Stallman in any way -- I'm merely saying, publicly debating his personality isn't going to achieve much good, and I'm supportive of KDE choosing not to be part of that.


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