El dijous, 24 de juny de 2021, a les 22:53:37 (CEST), Luis Falcon va escriure:
> Dear all
> I am proud to announce the first stable release of MyGNUHealth, the GNU
> Health Personal Health Record for desktop and mobile devices.
> From now on, everyone of us will benefit from a Libre Personal Health
> application that respects our privacy, both from our desktops and from
> our libre phones (such as the PinePhone). MyGNUHealth is more than a
> health and activity tracker, since it incorporates state-of-the-art
> technology and resources from medicine, genomics and
> bioinformatics. Thanks to the integration with the GNU Federation, we
> can communicate and share the information we wish with our health
> professionals in real-time.
> You can read the announcement with screenshots from here, as well as
> from GNU.org planet and soon from KDE.org planet.
> https://meanmicio.org/2021/06/24/welcome-to-mygnuhealth-the-libre-personal-health-record/
> Immense gratitude to all of you who, directly or indirectly, have made
> it possible. 
> Let's keep on fighting for freedom, equity and privacy in healthcare
> around the world!

Congrats on the 1.0 release!


P.S: For app release announcements we do use 

> Happy and healthy hacking

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