Le jeudi 11 août 2022 à 12:55 PM, Ben Cooksley <bcooks...@kde.org> a écrit :

> Hi all,
> As mentioned in an earlier email, I was going to look at connecting our 
> Drupal sites to make use of Invent for authentication.
> While at initial glance a plugin to handle this did appear to exist, upon 
> implementation it became apparent that this plugin would not be up to the 
> task unfortunately - and no other plugin exists.
> This also brings up another issue as with one exception all of our Drupal 
> sites run Drupal 7 which is now reaching the end of it's life, and most 
> extensions are only being maintained for security fixes now.
> My understanding is that Drupal upstream intend to properly pull the plug on 
> Drupal 7 sooner rather than later.
> We currently have the following sites on Drupal 7:
> - dot.kde.org
> - akademy.kde.org (and akademy-dev.kde.org)
> - amarok.kde.org
> - blogs.kde.org
> - kde.in
> - kde.nl
> - qtcon.org
> - skrooge.org
> - behindkde.org
> Given the age of the content on those sites, i'd like to suggest that we:
> a) Archive kde.nl and kde.in and redirect them both to KDE.org
> b) Turn QtCon.org into a static site
> c) For BehindKDE.org, Skrooge.org and amarok.kde.org look into converting 
> them into Hugo based sites, but if that is not possible convert them into 
> static sites as well.
> That will leave just blogs.kde.org, akademy.kde.org and dot.kde.org to 
> contend with.
> Having looked into the process to perform a migration to a modern version of 
> Drupal, it does not look pretty at all. See 
> https://www.drupal.org/docs/upgrading-drupal/upgrading-from-drupal-6-or-7-to-drupal-9-or-later
> We should therefore assess whether it is prudent to continue to make use of 
> Drupal, especially given the numerous security issues it has had and the poor 
> upgrade path it tends to offer (Drupal 6 to 7 was not the nicest upgrade 
> either if memory serves)
> Wordpress by contrast hasn't had major incidents in the past few years, and 
> offers a rolling update model (the sites using it are running the most 
> current release and have smoothly transitioned to it as time has gone on with 
> no issues)
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Ben

I spend a significant time, a long time ago trying to port dot.kde.org 

Major issues that were blocking the deployment of it:

- The comment functionality disappeared. Personally this shouldn't be an issue 
since we already disabled comment a long time ago due to us getting massive 
spam the second we enable the comments again.
- Some url got changed by error when doing the transition and will need to be 
fixed so that we don't break the url of old articles

All of these should be fixable, but will require still a bit of work and I 
currently don't have the bandwidth to do it. The big advantage of using hugo 
for dot is that it follows our general website branding, use the same workflow 
as all our websites and would theoretically allow us to translate some articles 
(particularly interesting for local/regional news).

Regarding the other websites:

- BehindKDE: there was a port of hugo somewhere, not sure if it was ever 
finished. Would probably be cool to revive this website
- amarok.kde.org: I proposed a long time ago to port amarok.kde.org to 
hugo/jekyll but there was objections as this was not a big priority so unless 
someone want to port it to something else, I would propose converting it to a 
static sites snice amarok is kinda dormant nowadays.
- akademy.kde.org: i worked a long time ago on an update of it to make it more 
visually attractive and port it to hugo but this was also rejected as the 
akademy team wanted to continue using Drupal. So not sure what to do with it.

Personally after having to deal with Wordpress at work, I think it offers an 
horrible developer experience with tons of plugin violating the spirit of the 
GPL, using PHP like it is still 00s (static and global variable everywhere, 
almost no OOP, no namespaces, weird naming convention e.g. $the_post, ...) and 
very poor internalization infrastructure. And so I wouldn't recommend it

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