It has been pointed out that this request was maybe unclear on what effect the 
problem is causing us

What is needing to be fixed is the tool that we will be using to manage all of 
registration on site with, so it not working has a serious impact for Akademy. 
Its not just an extra app that we could use to be fancy 


On 16 September 2022 10:16:14 UTC, Kenny Duffus <> wrote:
>We need help for Akademy with fixing a missing feature in the mobile check-in 
>app we will be using that integrates with our conference management system, 
>Indico ( we are currently using v2.3
>The app is its an HTML5 app wrapped in Cordova/Phonegap 
>This is for the Team to use and is not to be confused with the various apps 
>for attendees to access the event programme which are available but do a 
>separate job
>The critical missing feature which is stopping us from being able to use it is:
>Users from all registration forms are combined in a single attendees list per 
>This means we end up with all the registrations from Akademy itself mixed in 
>with T-shirts, Lunch, Daytrip & the Supercomputer visit with no way to tell 
>them apart. It would also be good to be able to use it for some of the other 
>There is also a very helpful missing improvement in: 
>Attendees list unsorted
>Let me know if anyone has any questions and I will try to get them answered 
>for you
>When we initially tested the app a while back we only had the one form so 
>didn't see this issue


        Kenny (Pronouns: he/him)

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