On Montag, 24. Oktober 2022 09:19:49 CEST Christoph Cullmann (cullmann.io) 
> I think it is rather worse that now first time contributors have this
> requirement.

Do you have proof for this, e.g. a study, or is this just your Bauchgefühl 
(gut feeling)?

There is plenty of proof (e.g. TBs of leaked password databases) that lots of 
people use insecure passwords and that lots of people reuse the same "secure" 
password everywhere. 2FA protects those ignorant people. If the 2FA-
requirement on invent helps to make more people aware of 2FA, then that's a 
good side-effect.

Besides, my hope is that with FIDO2 "soon" passwords will be a relic of the 


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