Would packaging all the apps in the different formats ( snap, appimage,
flatpak ) be considered a project?

On Thu, Oct 27, 2022, 5:03 PM Nate Graham <n...@kde.org> wrote:

> Hello KDE community members and developers!
> I'm writing to everyone about something very exciting: the NLnet
> Foundation (https://nlnet.nl) has made us aware that they have
> substantial quantities of funds available for FOSS projects that KDE is
> eligible for: up to 50000€ per project. If you have an idea for a big
> project or feature you've always wanted to do but lacked the funding
> for, here's your chance!
> If you're worried that your idea doesn't meet the criteria, don't be;
> practically everything KDE does is eligible for funds in the Open Call
> (https://nlnet.nl/news/2022/20221001-call.html) which ends on December
> 1st, so there's still plenty of time for you to apply to get your
> project funded. Click that link for details.
> Remember: what KDE does is good for the digital world. So if it's good
> for KDE and you can articulate its benefits, it's a worthy project!
> If the process seems intimidating, you'd like someone to review your
> grant proposal, or you need guidance or assistance for any other reason,
> the KDE e.V. stands ready to help your grant proposal succeed. Email
> kde-ev-bo...@kde.org and we can help!
> Nate
> P.S. This information can also be found on
> https://community.kde.org/Make_A_Living

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