Le lundi 3 avril 2023 à 4:39 PM, Halla Rempt <b...@valdyas.org> a écrit :

> Hi,
> Maybe a stupid question, but what's currently the best place to discuss 
> kirigami development? One of the Krita developers, Sharaf, has been trying to 
> use Kirigami to create a new welcome screen for Krita, but he's run into 
> trouble -- functionality disappeared, and there were some bugs, but we cannot 
> seem to figure out where the active development discussions are happening...


The best place is in the #kirigami:kde.org channel (I think it's bridged with 
telegram and irc but I am not sure).

Also functionality disappearing is weird and should not happen in the kf5 
branch as we promise a api/abi stability.


> Halla

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