On Monday 25 April 2011, Gökçen Eraslan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've confused about the path of the env and shutdown directories of
> KDE. In startkde script, env directory is sourced like this:
> libpath=`kde4-config --path lib | tr : '\n'`
> for prefix in `echo "$libpath" | sed -n -e 's,/lib[^/]*/,/env/,p'`;
> do for file in "$prefix"*.sh; do
>     test -r "$file" && . "$file"
>   done
> done
> So, if a distro uses "/usr/lib" as libdir, sh files are searched in
> ~/.kde and /usr/env directories since kde4-config is called with
> "--path lib" parameters. This is the case in Pardus and Kubuntu
> 10.10. openSUSE patched[1] startkde to source /usr/share/kde4/env
> directory. Same thing is valid for shutdown directory.
> Is this the intended behaviour? As far as I can see, there is no such
> entry in kde4-config like "kde4-config --path env". That kind of
> path variable would be useful.

Maybe. In any case, "data" appears to be a better choice than "lib". At 
least on openSUSE.

# kde4-config --path data


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