2012/1/5 Venky <venk...@aim.com>

> Wasn't using folks for contact aggregation suggested few months by Paolo 
> Capriotti? If I remember the idea was
> dismissed (I am not able to find the discussion between him and G Goldberg), 
> but there were few who were receptive. I think the guy also made a scratch 
> repo.
Yes, it was Paolo who created it with using QtContacts as frontend. We
discussed QtContacts on Desktop Summit in Berlin and concluded it
was...well, not good. Nevertheless we later attended the libfolks talk and
it is pretty much the same as Nepomuk's PIMO:Person, except that Nepomuk is
a broader and general platform while folks concentrate solely on contacts.
And given the effort to integrate Nepomuk more deeply into KDE Workspace,
we simply chose to go with Nepomuk.

> It will be great to use a framework which works for both KDE and GNOME and it 
> seems folks is deeply integrated into GNOME
And KDE has deeply integrated Nepomuk, which already has contact
aggregation features. I'm not really keen on the idea of having two such
services at once, pretty much duplicating their work.

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer

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