
Mosfet once put palettes "for both the Gimp and Xpaint that match the KDE 
standard color palette" into kdesdk/kdepalettes *.  But that was at KDE3 
times, so these palettes are outdated, not Oxygen-like. And noone updated them 
in the last 4 years, so seems noone uses these.

* http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdesdk/kdepalettes/

Besides, these days a GIMP-style palette is offered at 
like also linked from http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Oxygen/Style.

So in preparation for the migration of kdesdk to git I will be simply removing 
kdesdk/kdepalettes, next Sunday, May 20th, in the European evening, unless 
anyone objects.


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