On Saturday 29 September 2012 11:48:03 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Saturday 29 September 2012, André Wöbbeking wrote:
> > Hi Alex,
> >
> > On Saturday 29 September 2012 10:36:55 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > > I know this will cause some effort, because I guess only few
> > > distributions already come with CMake 2.8.9, but doing this once again
> > > after 2 1/2 years seems acceptable for me.
> >
> > Do you really need 2.8.9 or would 2.8.8 from April also be sufficient? The
> > older version would probably cause less trouble?!?
> Actually I'd prefer 2.8.10, to be released beginning of November, which
> might even still make it before the dependency freeze :-)
please don't. Debian testing and the next Kubuntu release is currently at
2.8.9 (Debian in fact at 2.8.9~rc1-1) and given that both are frozen there is
no possibility to get in a new version.

Using a later version means quite a high entry level for hacking on KDE.


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