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(Updated Sept. 14, 2013, 10:36 p.m.)

Review request for KDE Frameworks and kdelibs.


Err, reviewboard isn't allowing this diff as "update diff" so i have to add it 
this way :( Sorry for the inconvenience! This new diff reflects the requested 


This patch actually does two things:
1. A small indentation fix that this diff doesn't show properly (i can commit 
that as a separate commit if that's preferred)
2. A cleanup in how a listDir is handled. It used to be required to send a 
listEntry(UDSEntry, true) to indicate that the listing is completed. Then the 
UDSEntry was skipped. It seemed vague to me so i deprecated that function and 
added a new listEntry that doesn't take a bool. Now you just have to call 
finished() when done listing. finished() was already required otherwise KIO 
would blame you with warnings :)


  kioslave/file/file_unix.cpp 48bd0ba 
  staging/kio/src/core/slavebase.h b46631e 
  staging/kio/src/core/slavebase.cpp 2e46985 

Diff: http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/112702/diff/


It compiles and runs just fine. The few tests that are there are passing though 
i doubt they test this case. the KIO file slave also works just fine. 
Compilation does give me new (expected_ deprecated errors for at least the http 
slave. I don't know how to test that one. It should just work fine though.

File Attachments (updated)

Updated diff


Mark Gaiser

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