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Review request for KDE Base Apps.

Repository: ark


This patch makes ark always use an external viewer application instead of using 
the clunky internal preview thing. The internal viewer would just embed a plain 
kpart into a window, but without providing any of the XMLGUI or whatever from 
that part. Thus, when you for example clicked a PDF, you couldn't print it. The 
advantages of the internal viewer are imo overall quite questionable, and are 
far outweighted by its disadvantages.

Plus, it removes code ;)


  part/arkviewer.cpp 053cd1c0502d3bb88895dc8d3653eaea9e6c3c83 

Diff: http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/113175/diff/


Clicking files opens them in the default application, as it should.


Sven Brauch

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