> Ping, 4.13 is looming over. If you want to make it so there's no new
> releases of 4.12.x anymore and master is KF5 based, please discuss now.
> Personally I'd suggest against it since seems that even if we dicussed for
> that happening to kde-workspace people did not get the memo and got angry,
> so unless you have a huge itch to make it happen i'd just do with
> kactivities the same we do with kdelibs.

I've been procrastinating.

We can't do the same thing as with kdelibs. Simply because those were split 
into separate repositories where masters are qt5/kf5-based. KActivities is 
already in a separate repository.

If we decide to wait after 4.13, the next release of Plasma will have to use a 
non-master-based kactivities which I'm not sure is a good idea.

Naturally, I am open to suggestions.


The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this
implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted
a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana.
  -- Joe Armstrong

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