On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 8:49 AM, Todd <toddr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What about something like what Dolphin has now, where when you drop a file
> on a removable filesystem or remote drive it pops up the current
> copy/move/link option, but also has a checkbox (disabled by default buy
> configurable) to "copy metadata" or "copy tags" or something along those
> lines?

Well it's a menu, once you select an action, the menu goes away, checkbox
or not. I imagine there are some ways (hacks?) howto make menu a small sort
of modal dialog, but then imho it would be better to have "Copy" and "Copy
with metadata". Oh and the visual clutter it would bring to that simple
menu...dunno, sounds too complicated imo.

What we could do with regards to educating users, is what Google does these
days - when there's a new feature in any Google product, it shows a little
bubble shortly explaining what is it about with two buttons - "Okay, got
it" and "Show me more". I can imagine something similar first time you copy
a file/open dolphin/some other action. Shown once and never more. Too bad
if the users misses it though :)

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer

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