On 09/15/2014 10:42 PM, Michal Humpula wrote:
Hi there,

I've encountered strange issue with the style of kf5 kdevelop tabs.
Specifically the close button takes more space then anything else. It seems to
be drawn by QCommonStyle class, which is inherited by KStyle.

What I'm not sure, where is the bug. Is it in the
* QCommonStyle because it draws that big close button, or
* KStyle because it does not override close button by itself, or
* my specific style/setup combo, which I'm not sure what it is because Qt5
seems to choosing proper style magically by itself?

As for the last one, I've seen it on at least one other machine (scummos), so
it doesn't seems to be specific to my setup.

Any hint, what should I fix, would be appreciated

please file a bug at https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Breeze
(component QStyle)
providing application, steps to reproduce and screenshot
tab close buttons in oxygen-demo5 (second page, and checking on the "show tab close button" options, look good here, but again there might be application specific issues ...

Thanks !


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