- Ask user about their email address (stored separately of course) so we
can contact them! Ask if they are interested in something special
(quarter mails, new app version information, fundraiser, events in the
neighbourhood, other KDE people near them, etc. pp.)

That can be done in the kcm as extra opt-in, we don't want to present a
scary dialog on first boot, otherwise people will just run away.

That's just my humble opinion but honestly I think contact information to our users is much more valueable than any other data.

I guess they'll have a similar opinion - and therefore be rather reluctant to give it 
away (to not be spammed by KDE or have their contact data in one more database to be 
leaked from) - or they give you "m...@mail.com" (poor fellow who actually has 
this addy ;-)

If the intention is to have a default pushnews service, i'd propose a default plamoid 
that displays the "dot.kde.org" rss feed or something similar which is far more 
defensive than asking them for their mail address.


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