On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:09 AM, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:

> Can we get both "the correct" and the old way and mark it as deprecated?
> "the correct" way is cool since it helps us by having the same way of using
> stuff on all frameworks, predictibility is awesome.

And it eases up porting from kdelibs4support but not having to change all
the includes.

> "the old" way gives us the compatibility we promise.
> Now, i've no clue what i'm talking about so excuse me if i'm suggesting
> something stupid :D

I was acutally thinking about the same, would mean the headers are
though. Additionally the old headers could have some #pragma message
so it tells people while building.

The argument against was that whatever would use "the correct" wouldn't
against older frameworks...which in the cases I know about wouldn't be a
because they depend on master anyway, so bumping the min version in their
find_package(..) wouldn't be a problem.

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer

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