El Dijous, 11 de desembre de 2014, a les 01:18:57, Jan Kundrát va escriure:
> Anyway, I know that pre-Gerrit proccess was so painful for me that I
> actually decided to invest dozens of hours of my time into this, and get
> the Gerrit + CI ball rolling, and I'm not really willing to go back into
> shuffling bits around by hand. This is 2014, and we have computers to do
> repeated bits for us, don't we?

I think everyone will agree that we like automation.

You need to understand understand though that changing patch review systems is 
not your decision to take (nor mine), we need to have a general 
agreement/consensus when changing systems as important.

That you invested dozens of hours is great since it has made it possible for 
others to try, but by itself stands no merit on if the software is better for 
us or if it is not.

Best Regards,

> I've had my fair share of beers tonight, so I hope I won't manage to offend
> people by my blutness here.
> Cheers,
> Jan

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