2015-04-03 10:08 GMT+02:00 Boudewijn Rempt <b...@valdyas.org>:
> I've got a problem porting calligra to kf5 that I don't know how to solve.
> We use a 3rd party library called Vc, which does vectorization for us. It
> takes a certain object file and builds it for different processor
> architecturres. In order to do that, it generates a new gcc line for every
> architecture, using the value of INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, like this:
>    get_directory_property(_inc INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
>    foreach(_i ${_inc})
>       list(APPEND _flags "-I${_i}")
>    endforeach()

I haven't tested this, but according to the CMake documentation
this strange construction will probably work:

 list(APPEND _flags "$<$<BOOL:${_i}>:-I$<JOIN:${_i}, -I>>")


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