El Dimecres, 29 de juliol de 2015, a les 09:44:02, Thiago Macieira va escriure:
> On Wednesday 29 July 2015 09:04:42 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> > Can you perhaps create a single diff against 5.5/dev/master
> > which could be easily applied? That should make things
> > much easier to help :)
> Here you go.
> One patch containing all commits, individually.

Doesn't compile on top of current 5.6 branch of qtbase

First I get 
/home/tsdgeos_work/qt5/qtbase56/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.cpp: In static member 
function ‘static DBusMessage* QDBusMessagePrivate::toDBusMessage(const 
QDBusMessage&, QDBusConnection::ConnectionCapabilities, QDBusError*)’:
/home/tsdgeos_work/qt5/qtbase56/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.cpp:190:40: error: ‘msg’ 
was not declared in this scope
         q_dbus_message_set_destination(msg, data(d_ptr->service.toUtf8()));
/home/tsdgeos_work/qt5/qtbase56/src/dbus/qdbusmessage.cpp:190:73: error: ‘data’ 
was not declared in this scope
         q_dbus_message_set_destination(msg, data(d_ptr->service.toUtf8()));

After commenting that line (which i guess is not the correct thing to do)

I get

/qt5/qtbase56/mkspecs/linux-g++ -o .obj/moc_qdbusserver.o 
.moc/moc_qdbusserver.cpp: In static member function ‘static void 
QDBusServer::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)’:
.moc/moc_qdbusserver.cpp:82:22: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class 
         case 1: _t->d->_q_newConnection((*reinterpret_cast< 
QDBusConnectionPrivate*(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
In file included from .moc/moc_qdbusserver.cpp:9:0:
.moc/../../../../qtbase56/src/dbus/qdbusserver.h:46:7: error: forward 
declaration of ‘class QDBusConnectionPrivate’
 class QDBusConnectionPrivate;
Makefile:9670: recipe for target '.obj/moc_qdbusserver.o' failed

It seems dbusserver is the only class with a Q_PRIVATE_SLOT with a XXXPrivate 
as param

tsdgeos_work@xps:~/qt5/qtbase56/src$ grep -r PRIVATE_SLOT | grep Private
dbus/qdbusserver.h:    Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void 

Can we get an up-to-date patch?


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