
On Sat, 05 Mar 2016 10:35:23 +0100
Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Samstag, 5. März 2016 08:09:22 CEST, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> > QtWebEngine can _only_ be compiled using (free
> > as in beer) MSVC 2013. In particular, MinGW is explicitly _not_
> > supported.
> Out of pure curiosity: got details on this?
> MSVC 2013 hardly supersets the GNU toolchain and the code cannot make
> use of MSVC's "let's try to compile this junk, despite it's not
> nearly valid c++" features, because it generally still needs to
> compile on other systems.

it seems not so easy to find details on this. I guess the cheer size of
QtWebEngine does not really invite to experiment with different

The bits I know: The actual problem is in the chromium code, somewhere.
Here's the most official bit form Qt that I could find about the issue:

As to what exactly is the issue in chromium, preventing use of MinGW,
the totally inoffical bit below is one of the "best" bits of information
that I could find at all:

From what I understand, it seems to be theoretically possible to build
a wrapper library for the chromium embedded framework (CEF) with mingw,
but I'm not sure, whether or how this related to QtWebEngine at all.


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