On Sunday, 13 October 2019 17:24:50 CEST Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El dissabte, 12 d’octubre de 2019, a les 12:54:31 CEST, Volker Krause va 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > KPublicTransport has been moved to kdereview:
> > 
> > https://phabricator.kde.org/source/kpublictransport/
> > 
> > KPublicTransport is a library for accessing real-time public transport
> > information (location, departure and journey queries) via a C++ or QML
> > API,
> > aggregating results from Navitia.io as well as a few vendor-specific
> > backends.
> > 
> > KPublicTransport originated inside KDE Itinerary but was split out at the
> > beginning of this year based on demand from KTrip. In order to get both
> > apps released eventually we need a release of KPublicTransport, therefore
> > the promotion out of playground now.
> > 
> > While KPublicTransport aims to become a framework, it's not mature enough
> > for committing to API stability yet I think, so the more appropriate
> > destination for now would probably be extragear/lib I guess. Becoming
> > part of the release service once that is decoupled from the Applications
> > product would be very much appreciated though.
> Had a look, didn't find anything obviously wrong.
> The only thing is that the public API returns const & to vectors, which
> we've historically not done since it ties you to having a vector internally
> forever, but i'm fine accepting that
> Micro minor thing, clang tidy said
> src/backends/abstractbackend.cpp:199:16: error: the const qualified variable
> 'headers' is copy-constructed from a const reference; consider making it a
> const reference
> [performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization,-warnings-as-errors] const
> auto headers = netReply->rawHeaderPairs();

Thanks for reviewing, this has been fixed.


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