There is currently a problem that projects are identified by path in invent.kde.org. But in pkgbuilds in Arch Linux the makepkg clones repo twice, first time to the dir with pkgbuild, and second time to the srcdir for build package. And that second repo has first repo as origin, i.e. its origin is path to the first repo. And this leads to breakage of determining project identifier in cmake module. To workaround, I either need to clone to the path that matches the regexp, such as crutch.kde.org:pim/zanshin.git or fixing the origin of the problem.

I wanted to fix it by identifying the project by its name. See https://invent.kde.org/sdk/releaseme/-/merge_requests/13.

Now, the question is, could we consider project names unique? In that case, we can merge my mr, and path crutch will not be needed anymore.

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