Am 16.09.22 um 17:59 schrieb Nate Graham:
Hello folks!

I've been working with Aleix on an onboarding wizard for Plasma, based
on work originally started by Felipe Kinoshita last year.

You can see some screenshots at

I'd like to target Plasma 5.27 for release and am submitting it for
KDEReview. The repo is at


- I'd suggest to rename the repository to plasma-welcome to be
consistent with the internal name and also other Plasma repos

- The version number in KAboutData says "1.0", this should follow the
Plasma version

- There's no Qt6 build yet, please look into that

- Some distributions have their own welcome apps, please coordinate with
them so that we don't end up greeting the user with two welcome apps

- The appstream id ends with .desktop, which I understand is deprecated

- appstreamcli validate --pedantic org.kde.plasma-welcome.appdata.xml
has some warnings:

P: org.kde.plasma-welcome.desktop:12: screenshot-no-caption
P: org.kde.plasma-welcome.desktop:~: releases-info-missing
I: org.kde.plasma-welcome.desktop:3: cid-contains-hyphen
P: org.kde.plasma-welcome.desktop:15: screenshot-no-caption

- There's a stray .directory file in src/

- Please add the ECM clang-format target and commit hook

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